Thursday, April 27, 2017

[WIP] Anti Black Coats from DDD are comming to KH2FM!

My Anti Black Coats mod will get a remake which includes better texture quality and the nightmare Symbol. My previous version was a private version because of the bad quality (+ Demyx's coat looked really weird). Tons of people requested a public version since I showcased it last year. You can look up the current progress in the "Mods in progress" section. Please note that this mod needs a lot of time to finish. I need to edit over 60 models in order to replace every coat model! The greatest issue is the nightmare symbol, which gets ultra-stretched due to the model's structure. I need to adjust the symbol differently for almost each model in the game!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Fully usable Way to the Dawn Keyblade

This mod was created by Venom Titangust. It looks really promising. I will test it myself once I have some time left.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Nightmare Realm release

I just released The Nightmare Realm stage mod. Check out the "Stage Mod" section for the Downloads.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Nightmare Realm.

After 15 minutes of editing I managed to change the "theme" of betwix and between.
Download comming soon.